Saturday 6 September 2008

CD: Sam Beeton, No Definite Answer

"Adele's voice in a male body" isn't a slogan RCA is likely to use to sell Sam Beeton, but it captures the essence of the 19-year-old songwriter, world Health Organization is being aimed at the young, female crowd who chance James Morrison captivating. Beeton's mellifluous breathiness is cattle ranch across 13 tracks here, which turns out to be too much of a tidy thing; ternary or four could have been helpless without impairing what is otherwise an agreeable debut. Lyrically, he's the prototypical sixth-form poet, minus the angry-young-man gene - there's much stargazing and mulling over the attributes of the female child across the road, only none of the spiky restlessness you'd expect to find drippage from his pores. But it doesn't really matter; Beeton has done his job competently, and the breezy minuscule single What You Look For won't be the worst thing you get a line on Radio 2 this year.

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